Hello ladies...I woke up this morning to white stuff outside....brrrrr...but then I looked at my email and got a blog award and that made me feel warm inside...so thank you goes out to Love that bug.....@ http://lovethatbug.blogspot.com/...you can click on my title "Blog Award" and it will link you there...
Rules: first I have to tell 8 things about myself...here goes....
1.) I try to go to church every sunday...
2.) I have a beautiful daughter named Lillian
3.) Some of you may know me as Scrappinlil..but my real name is Aaron (and yes it is spelled like a boy...my daddy loved the spelling)
4.) Part of my blog name was because of my daughter...just shorten it.
5.) I have a wonderful husband ...who I just adore.
6.)I love to craft , scrap layouts, cards, and now got into 3d items...like kleenex boxes, bags, boxes , etc.
7.) I love chocolate ...what girl doesn't.
8.) I love winter when I don't have to go anywhere....
Now onto the next rule....you have to send this to 8 others that you just discovered....this is always the hard part...here goes....
1.)Carol...... @
http://cricutingcarol.blogspot.com/2.)Jovan..... @ http://cardsbyjovan.blogspot.com/
4.)Dina......@ http://scrappinfromtheheart.blogspot.com/
5.)Ella....@ http://uniquelyella.blogspot.com/
6.)Peg ...@ http://pegcraftalot.blogspot.com/
7.)Meighen...@ http://scrappin3rdeeschik.blogspot.com/
8.)Sherry....@ http://macybella.blogspot.com/
Thank you for stopping by and God bless all.