Sunday, May 30, 2010

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Sorry have not posted in a while...been busy. We set up our pool this week !!!!

My hubby, my dd, and myself have been in our pool this weekend, we have been cooking on the grill and hanging out at home....having fun...

We also been walking, took my dd to the park this week, and went to church today.

I also wanted to tell everyone to be safe and have a Wonderful Memorial Weekend....Will see and talk to you in June.....thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It's my Birthday!

Happy birthday to me , happy birthday to me! Woohoo It is my 33rd Birthday and I am feeling good....I am very thankful for my life and all that I have.

My birthday always seems to last a week...It starts off with my mom having a party or get together for me....and we also celebrate memorial day. Then on my actual birthday I get the cards, money, clothes....etc. Then usually the weekend my hubby takes me out and then we end up having another picnic with my hubby and my dd. so it is always a beautiful week....not because it is about me, but being with I am very very thankful..

Well So far I got an outfit from my sister , we went shopping and she let me pick it out....then I got a giftcard from my grammother and tonight my mom and dad invited my dd, my hubby and me and my sister , her hubby, my niece and nephew over for a little cookout and to celebrate my day!

I hope all of you are having a wonderful day I know I am! Thanks for stopping by....make sure you scroll down for my other post for today!

Very simple Father's day card!

Hello everyone....I made this simple card for my fil...hope he will like it...

Card recipe:

WC for the branch card cut @ 7"

WC for the happy father's day cut @ 6"

WC for the simply the best (inside of card) cut @ 3 1/2"

I inked all of it, added a ribbon, pearls and a piece of velcro to hold it together...I also used cb folders for the leaf and the inside of card. ...and wala a father's day card....not my usual but I have alot to do lately...thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Bird Watcher!

Hello everyone! I made this lo of my dog Princess...she loves to watch the birds. She doesn't hurt them just stares at them...It is so neat to watch her , she will sit there all day.

I used Mickey Font for the title "Bird WAtcher"

Mickey & friends for the fence.

I added some pins that reminded me of flowers along the fence....

Tree (I think is from ) P&F cart and so is the grass....

Birds are from WC cart.

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Gods letter and footprints!

Hello everyone!

My mom is making a beach themed basket for her friend..she wanted to do a bottle with etched footprints so I told her I would help with that....because she has never done it before...

This is just a start of the bottle , she is going to add some sand inside the bottle and some seashells....which I think will look cool...we did one bottle the other day but did not quite turn out the way we wanted it I redid it.

I used NA for the feet (going up the bottle ) hope you can see it well...I cut them out @ .3/4" and then etched them with etching cream. very simple technique.

I love it. I then tied some rope and a footprints charm that I found in the baby section at michaels.....

Inside is a letter from god that reads:


You may not know me, but I know everything about you psalm 139:1 I know when
you sit down and rise up. I am fimilar with all your ways. Even the very hairs on your head are numbered. For you were made in my image.

Genesis 1:27 In me you live and move and have your being.

Acts 17:28 For you are my offspring. I knew you even before you were conceived.

Jeremiah 1:4-5 I chose you when I planned creation........etc...

This has alot more to it but I hope you get the idea.....her friend knows this letter very well so I printed this letter on cream paper, torn the edges and inked then rolled it up and tied raffia to it and stuck it in the bottle....I know she will love it...then my mom is putting it in a basket filled with sand and shells ....thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

World of Knowledge!

Hello ladies! This lo is of my dd, she is now 5 years old and she had to get registered for Kindergarten...She loved it and she was so ready! I explained to her that they will give her a little test to see how much she knew...One of the people that tested her told me that she was advanced for some of the math and another part of the test. She said most 5 year olds don't do as well as she did, Well she was actually 4 at the time of the registration. Sorry had to brag alittle!

The reason I named this "World of Knowledge" is because now the kids have to know so much more before they go to kindergarten. They asked her math, science, history, some reading, shapes, numbers, alphabet, and etc. I don't remember myself going through all this when I went...oh well, I guess it is better to have all this at a young age...because they are like sponges and they learn so much!

Okay now for the layout!

I used GS for the abc frame cut @ 9 1/2" also used it for the file card tucked behind the pic for journaling (you know I love to journal) so I always find a place for that. This is cut @ 2"

I used Lockertalk for the world cut @ 2 1/2" and pop dotted it!

I used MF for the "OF" cut @ 1" and the "2010" also @ 1"

The word "KNOWLEDGE" is cut @ .3/4" cut with Mickey Font

I doodled and cut out a pic of her and pop dotted, added some clips to the pic and wala another layout...very simple but to the point!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Pumpkin of possibilities / PS Challenge!

Hello everyone! This lo is of my dd when she was about 2 years old...My mom, sister, hubby, nephew, niece, daughter and myself went to Trax farm. She had a blast trying to pick the perfect pumpkin. She sat on these pumpkins and so I took her pic. Look at all the pumpkins to choose from.

I made this lo for the Pratical scrappers challenge. They want you to use pattern paper. I used 3 of them. Go check them out...

I used the leaf border (at the bottom from a fall stack ) cut the leaf part out of the dcwv fall stack and placed it ontop of another pattern paper as a border.

I then used a pattern paper (all from the dcwv fall stack) (I think it was from that or from the debbie mumm paper, well can't remember) under the pic and used my zigzag sizzors....

I Used SYI for the tree cut @ 10", pumpkins cut @ 2 and 2 1/2"

Used ACY for the leaves cut @ 2"

I used George for part of the title "OF" cut @ .3/4" and then for the Tag cut @ 2"

The oval was also from george, don't remember size.

I doodled, added stickers for the word "PUMPKIN" in the title, I added ribbon to tag and staple, Added raffia to make a corn stalk and then tied with rope. Added a little tiny mouse, look closely and you will see him hiding in the pumpkins. I used burlap and I think that is all....thanks for stopping by. God bless everyone!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

You're going places award!

Hello everyone! Well We got the sewage fixed, there was a blockage in the line and I had to call a plumber yesterday, but it is fixed so it is all good...I have to go next week for my ultrasound, feeling alittle better. Now on to better news, I received this award from one of my dear blogger friends on title and it will take you to her blog. Go check it out..she is so talented.

On that note, I have to tell where I think I will be in 10 years, Hopefully I will have more kids, still with my wonderful hubby, moved out of my house and into a house that is bigger and has more space. Still have my health and the faith of the lord. Be able to travel the world with my darling daughter who at that time will be 15...don't want to think about that...want to always keep her little and my wonderful , caring hubby! I love these years. Hopefully We will win the lottery...HEHE!!!!! Last but not least be able to pay off our mortgage and be debt free!

Now onto the talented ladies that I will send this on to....there are alot of others but here are ten of them....

Amy =

Nancy =

Margie =

Lidia =

Bug Junkie =

Fern =

Enfys =

Sarah =

Debbie =

Lisa =

Thank you all for stopping by!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Guess what I'm watching right now!

Okay you give up.....ECLIPSE info on OPRAH!!!!! Rob, Kristen and Taylor all on right now...go watch it....I am obsessed with twilight saga...I have been reading the books almost finished with Breaking dawn!

When it rains it pours!

Well let me start by saying that it has been nothing but bad luck around here lately. I have been still having my pains and I had to reschedule my ultrasound for next friday so I still won't no anything until then. Then on Saturday last week the
8th(my dd's celebration) we came home that day , I washed clothes, and then my hubby went down stairs and found water all over the floor in our basement , it was sewage and washing machine water...gross!!!!!! We thought we got the problem but then today I washed clothes again and the water started coming up the wash tub by our washers, so when my hubby gets home he will have to find out what it is. Also this morning I went down stairs and found water coming in from outside. We have been having alot of rain here lately, we have never had water or anything in our basement.

OH well...hopefully we will get everything fixed!!!!!! thanks for stopping by and listening to me!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy father's day card!

Hello again...this is my 1st card for today and my 2nd post! I was thinking what is the next holiday coming up...Father's day! So I made this card for one of my guys in my life...don't know if it is for my hubby, my dad, or my fil. They will be surprised...

Anyway, I used ACY for the boy border punch, added skittles, used a saying from one of my dcwv stacks "Life is good", a button and some raffia and wala!

Hope you enjoy! Thanks for stopping by!

Alot to say / Happy 5th birthday!

Hello ladies! I hope all of you had a great Mother's Day, I did not! I was not feeling well at all, I haven't been for sometime now. I went to the doctors today and I have to go Friday for an ultrasound to see what is going on. My hubby and my dd went and did some visiting yesterday but they both said it wasn't the same without me there. I did have a quiet day though until 8:00 pm so that was nice...oh well , enough about me!

I want to give a big Happy Birthday to my dd today, she is Five! This is her actual birthday so she woke up this morning and asked if she is finally 5!! I told her yes, she is so excited. Her daddy took off today to go with her to preschool and stay in her class...I was suppose to go but not feeling up to it. They are going to have yellow cupcakes and yoohoo, since it was the letter Y day! She is looking forward to him being there.

Happy Birthday Lillian!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

2nd post for today / My dd party!

Hello again! This is my dd having a blast at her party. She will turn 5 on Monday but we celebrated today with her friends. Thanks for stopping by!

Homemade Bird tags and houses!

Hello ladies! We've had a busy weekend so far...yesterday we spent the evening with my dad and mom to celebrate my dad's 60th birthday party! We had a blast...the kids played, we ate and talked, and my dad loved his husband made these birdhouses , we bought him some birdfeed to go with it..he loves to watch the birds, I made the tags and put on the back of them the height requirements for the houses!

I hope you all like dh is so talented , he has many traits, carpentar, electrician, window installer...etc.

Today we celebrated my dd's 5th birthday party , We had it at the bowling alley....she had so much to come!

Monday, May 3, 2010

2nd post today / April showers brings may flowers!

Hello ladies...this is my 2nd post for today, This lo is of my dd..I just love this pic of her. I named this April Showers brings May flowers because my dd was born in May, she was suppose to be born on the 28th of April, but she came on May 10th, also Her name is Lillian, which we call her Lily for short and Lillies are my favorite just alittle background on why I named this what I did.

I used many carts = Sweethearts, Storybook, Teardrop, Graphically speaking, A childs Year

SH for the umbrella cut @ 3"

SB for the background shift I shadow cut @ 10 3/4" (scallop circle)

TD for the title April showers May all cut @ 1"

GS for the sun (icon the great outdoors) cut @ 2 1/2" and then again @ 2"

GS for the sunflowers cut @ 2", 2 1/2", 1 1/2", 1", 3", 2 1/2", 1 3/4" (sorry this is the order I cut them)

ACY for the leaves cut @ 2" , raindrops cut @ 1 1/2", and then again at 1"

Added bees, glitter glue to the bees, flowers, umbrella, raindrops and the sun.

I used black ink for leaves and turquoise ink for the raindrops and around the layout.

I used tiny letter stamps for the "brings" and "Flowers"

used white flowers and some crystal flowers that I found at Michaels

and some pearls to the umbrella..also doodled for the bees flight path..hope you enjoy as much as I did making it...thanks for stopping by!

Guess what my dd got to do today!

Hi everyone! Let me start by saying that my dd was sick for about 4 days now...she start feeling better yesterday, she had a fever, stomach ache, threw up and had the I am glad she is doing better started off as a rainy day, but her preschool was having a field trip today to the farm to milk a cow, feed a baby cow, learn how milk is made and when she got up and felt better she had to go. So I threw on my clothes , she dressed herself and we brushed our teeth and ran out the door....but I think she over did it because her belly hurt after we got home...we were gone from 9:30 am - 1:30 pm...she is now relaxing...but she did have a lot of fun! thanks for stopping by!