Saturday, May 15, 2010

You're going places award!

Hello everyone! Well We got the sewage fixed, there was a blockage in the line and I had to call a plumber yesterday, but it is fixed so it is all good...I have to go next week for my ultrasound, feeling alittle better. Now on to better news, I received this award from one of my dear blogger friends on title and it will take you to her blog. Go check it out..she is so talented.

On that note, I have to tell where I think I will be in 10 years, Hopefully I will have more kids, still with my wonderful hubby, moved out of my house and into a house that is bigger and has more space. Still have my health and the faith of the lord. Be able to travel the world with my darling daughter who at that time will be 15...don't want to think about that...want to always keep her little and my wonderful , caring hubby! I love these years. Hopefully We will win the lottery...HEHE!!!!! Last but not least be able to pay off our mortgage and be debt free!

Now onto the talented ladies that I will send this on to....there are alot of others but here are ten of them....

Amy =

Nancy =

Margie =

Lidia =

Bug Junkie =

Fern =

Enfys =

Sarah =

Debbie =

Lisa =

Thank you all for stopping by!


  1. Hello!!Congratulations for the Award!!!!
    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for passing me the award!! I really appreciate it!!
    I have a post ready in my draft and also I have received this award from 4 different people!! Thank you!! I just will add your name on the post , I will be posting it tomorrow. Thanks again and have a wonderful weekend!!

  2. You are such a sweetheart!!! Thank you for thinking of me and I will get it posted as soon as possible....
    I hope you're feeling better!! And I'm so glad you got your plumbing fixed.. I hate plumbing issues... Have a wonderful weekend!!! Hugs!!!!

  3. Congrats on your much deserved award!!
    Barb :)

  4. Thank you soooooo much for the award sweetie, I will pop it on my blog as soon as poss.




Thank you very much for stopping by. Please be sure to leave a comment and Have an Awesome Day!