Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It's my Birthday!

Happy birthday to me , happy birthday to me! Woohoo It is my 33rd Birthday and I am feeling good....I am very thankful for my life and all that I have.

My birthday always seems to last a week...It starts off with my mom having a party or get together for me....and we also celebrate memorial day. Then on my actual birthday I get the cards, money, clothes....etc. Then usually the weekend my hubby takes me out and then we end up having another picnic with my hubby and my dd. so it is always a beautiful week....not because it is about me, but being with I am very very thankful..

Well So far I got an outfit from my sister , we went shopping and she let me pick it out....then I got a giftcard from my grammother and tonight my mom and dad invited my dd, my hubby and me and my sister , her hubby, my niece and nephew over for a little cookout and to celebrate my day!

I hope all of you are having a wonderful day I know I am! Thanks for stopping by....make sure you scroll down for my other post for today!


  1. Happy birthday! Have a blessed and fabulous day filled with the joy and peace of the Lord.

  2. Happy Birthday! I hope it is filled with lots of love and happiness!

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GF!!!! Glad to see your family does so many nice thing for you on your birthday... you certainly deserve it!! Enjoy your day/week!!!
    Barb :)

  4. Hey Lil, thanks for the great comments... I got the svg from
    Feb 19th post I can not copy the link directly she did not title the post to click on it. We are going to go in Nov. I can't wait, it will be my DS' first time (he will be 2 on 11/19)and he adores Mickey & the gang. Have a great week. Staci

  5. Sorry this is late, but better late then never -HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sounds like you have a caring family. Hope you enjoyed your special day!

  6. Happy birthday .. been out of town so I'm late in my well wishes but since you said the celebration takes a week, I'm right on time, right? Hope everything is fun fun fun!

  7. Happy belayed Birthday to ya..sorry been MIA, but all of the blogging is keeping me so busy..
    Hope you had a extremely fabulous day.. :O)


Thank you very much for stopping by. Please be sure to leave a comment and Have an Awesome Day!