Monday, July 5, 2010

I received a blogger award!

Hello everyone..I received a blog award today from a dear friend named Barb..she is so sweet and talented. Go check her out at

Well there are rules to this blog award....I have to tell who gave me this award..which I have done. I also have to tell 7 things about myself , and then pass this on to 5 other friends who I think are fantastic...there are alot more than five but those are the here goes.

1.) I love to craft anytime of the day!

2.) I love to be with my family and matter what we are doing!

3.) I love taking walks in the woods with my dd and dh.

4.) I love to take hot showers, no matter if it is hot is so relaxing.

5.) I love the new twilight saga movies....oh still drooling from Eclipse.

6.) I love spending time in the pool with my 5 year old daughter....she has a blast and so do I.

7.) Last but not least.....I love my hubby, daughter, my 2 dogs and all of my family.

Now for the 5 people to send this too...



3.)bug junkie....



thanks for stopping by....and thanks to Barb for the award...God Bless all...I hope all you had a great 4th...


  1. Thanks for the sweet words!! You really do deserve this award because you are such a sweetheart!!
    barb :)

  2. Congrats on your new award and Yes I did get your address and I did mail the box of goodies to you on June28th so hopefully you have received it by now...let me know when you get it. Enjoy your day.


Thank you very much for stopping by. Please be sure to leave a comment and Have an Awesome Day!