Hello everyone...I received this award today from love that bug blog , click on the title of this post and it will take you right to her blog..what a thoughtful gift...I have to tell 7 things about myself...I also have to give this award to 15 others that follow me....so here goes.
1.) I have been married to my wonderful husband for 14 years now.
2.) I have a beautiful daughter named Lily who is 4 years old
3.) I love to scrap my family
4.) My mil got me into scrapping and card making
5.) I am a gemini
6.) I love chocolate (can't get enough)
7.) I have 2 beagles princess and brewster
Now onto the 15 people who I would like to give this award too...
1.) Amyee = http://southernbellescrapper.blogspot.com/
2.) Margie = http://bellabugcreations.blogspot.com/
3.) http://bugjunkie.blogspot.com/
4.) Dawn = http://creationsbydawn.blogspot.com/
5.) Sandy = http://detailsbysandy.blogspot.com/
6.) Amanda = http://inkspirations.blogspot.com/
7.)Jeannine = http://jeannine-scrappnthehamptons.blogspot.com/
8.)Kelly = http://kreativekornerbykelly.blogspot.com/
9.) Wanda (my mil) = http://myscraphappyplace.blogspot.com/
10.) Nanne = http://nannes-creations.blogspot.com/
11.) Donna = http://donnamundinger-popsicletoes.blogspot.com/
12.)Sandy = http://sandyfromukiah.blogspot.com/
13.)Nikki = http://scrappinnavywife.blogspot.com/
14.)Lorri = http://scrappinstuff-lorrie.blogspot.com/
15.)Sandi = http://softsideofsandi.blogspot.com/
Well there are alot more of you I could of added but it only calls for 15, so when you receive this...post who gave you this blog award, 7 things about yourself and 15 people who follow you or who you follow...thanks again for stopping by...