Well I feel so honored to receive this award...a new blogger friend named Barb @ Craftgirl sent me this award....I have to tell ten things that I am blessed to have in my life...and then pass it on to 3 others....so here goes!
1.) God - he has given me so much to be thankful for ..and this year is starting to be a great one!
2.) Family - My husband, my dd, my mom and dad, my sister...etc...
3.) MY Friends = whether it is my preschool mommies, my blogger friends , or just people that I've grown to know....
4.)Housewife = being able to stay at home with my 4 year old daughter
5.) My husbands Job = it allows me to be able to stay home..
6.)My Health = not much to say about this , but that I'm just glad I'm healthy
7.) My craftyness (Is this even a word) or well...I am very thankful that god (going back to my #1) has given me my ability to craft..
8.) My cricut...I would probably not be too crafty without it..
9.) Chocolate ...are you kidding every girl (sometimes guy) needs this!!!!!
10.) Music....I love listening to all types of music , it is just so relaxing and sometimes inspiring to me!
Now onto the 3 talented ladies that I'm giving this award too..their are many others but I choose these 3!!
Christina = Very talented lady...http://christinacreativecorner.blogspot.com/
Sarah = don't know much about you but hopefully we can become good friends through blogger..http://sarahs-little-creations.blogspot.com/
Margie = She is always very sweet..and always has something nice to say! http://bellabugcreations.blogspot.com/