Thursday, October 29, 2009

Over the Top - Blog Award!

Hello everyone! I was given this blog award by my mil Wanda...check her blog

1. Where is your cell phone? my purse

2. Your hair? pulled back

3. Your mother? fantastic

4. Your father? super

5. Your favorite food? pizza

6. Your dream last night? none

7. Your favorite drink? diet pepsi

8. Your dream/goal? To have more kids

9. What room are you in? craft

10. Your hobby? scrap booking

11. Your fear? dying

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? married with 2-3 kids..have 1 right now!

13. Where were you last night? home

14. Something that you aren't? skinny..hehe

15. Muffins? chocolate chip

16. Wish list item? to win the lottery...but be realistic...I guess I would say more cricut carts

17. Where did you grow up? Pennsylvania

18. Last thing you did? typed on my blog

19. What are you wearing? jeans

20. Your TV? off

21. Your Pets? 2 beagels

22. Friends? lots

23. Your life? happy

24. Your mood? okay

25. Missing Someone?brother

26. vehicle? Van

27. Something your not wearing? socks

28. Your favorite store? Michael's

29. Your favorite color? blue

30. When was the last time you laughed? yesterday

31. Last time you cried? 2 days ago

32. Your best friend? Mom and sister (can't choose between them)

33. One place that I go to over and over? Target

34. Facebook? myspace

35. Favorite place to eat? Red anything seafood

Now I will pass this on to some of my favorite blogs and people to visit...

Dawn =

Nanne =

Bev =

Sandy =

Donna =

I have alot of others that I could post this too...but could only do a few...Thanks for all that inspire me and all that stop by....thank you also to wanda for the blog award...


  1. Oh Gosh...Thank You so much... I will post it on my blog as soon as I can..This is so sweet of you to think of me...
    lots of hugs

  2. are toooo sweet...just like your MIL....thanx so much for passing this to me...I will try to post and pass asap...I am so pleased you thought of me...thanx so much!


Thank you very much for stopping by. Please be sure to leave a comment and Have an Awesome Day!