Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Spring Butterfly Wreath

Hello ladies...I hope everyone is having a great Tuesday Morning. It is very dreary and cold again here. I can't wait for the warmer weather and going outside. We had 2 great days this weekend and yesterday. We went to the park and my daughter Lilly put her feet in the water. She said it was cold but she didn't care. Isabella got to be out for her 1st warm day. She she has been born we have been stuck inside with yucky weather. So it was nice to get out and about. Anyway...since it has been warm a few days it got my thinking of spring and the nice weather. So I needed to make another wreath for my door. This one is all about spring. I took my winter one down and hung my springy one up ...maybe it will bring warmer weather....LOL I went to Michaels bought the 14" wreath (that fits perfect for my door) , found some daisy flowers, some small roses, and some lilacs....I love all these colors together. I also found some cute glitter (blingy) butterflies that I added to the wreath ....I hope you enjoy and make a spring wreath yourself...very easy to do. Thanks for stopping by and Have a wonderful day!

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