Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sliding pop up cards....for the boys!

Hello ladies...Since it is a cold one out there and my hubby and daughter are playing their games. I thought I would get some crafting done. I have been seeing these cards everywhere and I wanted to try to make these so these are for Ryan (my sil's fiances son) and for my nephew Owen for Valentines Day. I really hope they like these.

Card Recipe:

Splitcoast stampers for the card dimensions....

I just got the CAC (create a critter cartridge the other day and I wanted to play) Dino 2 cut @ 3 1/2" (blue one), Dino 1 cut @ 3 1/2" with CAC

Dinomite (cut both ways) at 1 1/2" with CAC

your is stamped on with some small letter stamps that I have

Leaf (on orange dino card) cut @ 3"

all with the create a critter new fav along with Birthday Bash....thanks for stopping by and oh don't forget to scroll down for more valentine cards.

1 comment:

Thank you very much for stopping by. Please be sure to leave a comment and Have an Awesome Day!