Monday, November 1, 2010

The older we get the easily confused!

Hello everyone! This is my 3rd post for today..I hope everyone had a great Halloween...I know we did, we went trick or treating. Lily was a glimmer ghost...she counted her pieces of candy and she got about 72 pieces....HOLY CANDY....anyway, the 1st 2 posts are repost but with pics now. I also found out I won a Halloween blog huh...Thanks Carrie! go check her out.

This one is for my fil. His birthday is tomorrow....I also have to make a anniversary card for me and my hubby for tomorrow... This one is sort of a joke so I hope my fil likes it...

card recipe:

53 is cut with Storybook @ 1 1/2"

Turtle is cut with LAB @ 2 1/4"

exclamation mark is cut with PSB @ 1 1/2"

I used stamps and my own handwriting for the front and inside....used ms bubble bath around the punch border...which I found at Michaels on sale...had to pick up a couple more around the page border punches.... Used black pearls for the eyes of turtle.

It reads: Bill: You're turning 53! It's a well known fact that the OLDER we get, the more easily we are CONFUSED!

INSIDE : The turtle is upside down and so are the words.....(are you confused yet, yep I thought so) It reads: See? What did I tell you! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

It is suppose to confuse him....cute huh???

Thank you for stopping by again.


  1. This is just toooo cute! I'm gonna have to remember this so I can do something like this for my Dad. He would love it! :)

  2. OH thats too funny.. need to keep this one in mind next year when the hubby turns years..LOL


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