Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Yippeeeeeeee I received a blog award!

Hello blogger friends,today I received this trendy blog award from one of my blogger buddies...Debbie. She makes some terrific layouts. go check her out at

I have to tell why I started blogging and why I keep blogging...

1.) Well I started crafting about 5 years ago and I just love mil got me started. It is just so relaxing, so then my mil started a blog and told me that I should share my creations with everyone...I never thought I was that talented but she gave me the inspiration and told me that I do good that is one reason I started blogging.

2.) The 2nd reason is to share my creations with family and friends, and to meet new friends...which I have so many great ones! I keep blogging to meet more friends and maybe inspire someone else like I have been inspired by so many of you!!!!!! Any time I am in a slump I jump over to other bloggers and see what I can find that gets my mojo a flowing.....I usually don't scraplift anything but I do find alot of inspiration...I might take a idea from one place and then come up with my own I want to thank all of my blogger friends for inspiring me and my mom and mil. ....well now I have to send this on to 10 of my blogger friends. I think all of you deserve it but I can only do here goes..

Alli = stuff!

Dorcas = great creations!

Kelli = ...such cool crafing going on!

Katie = creations!

Wendy = awesome lady...go check her out!

Brenda = is very talented and also enjoys the twilight saga movies....

Brenda = talented her layouts.

BugJunkie = makes some awesome word books or even just fantastic layouts...

Jeri = lady..I just love her cards.

Enfys = is also a very talented lady who does some creative ideas...I just love them all...

Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to look at my creations and hopefully you picked up your award...God bless all!

1 comment:

Thank you very much for stopping by. Please be sure to leave a comment and Have an Awesome Day!