Thursday, February 13, 2014

Happy Valentines Day!

Hello everyone! I know tomorrow is Valentines Day but I thought I would post this today...My Husband got me a Dozen Roses yesterday. He has not done that in quite a while but it is very appreciated. We usually just do for our girls. He also bought our daughters a tiger and doggie stuffed animals. They love their stuffed animals. So I just wanted to say Happy Valentines Day to everyone out there. If you don't have that special someone to celebrate with this is for you!!! I will share my love with all of you! ENJOY!

Simple but Sweet Valentines Treats

My 3rd post for today....My oldest daughter is having a Valentines day party. She was asked to make cards or something for her class. So we Came up with these cute lollipop treats. She had to make for 11 boys and 9 20 all together. I know in this picture there is not 20 I had to make 2 more today. Anyways, She picked the bears for girls and monsters for boys. Card recipe: (Treats) Bear (for girls) cut @ 3 3/4" with CAC #2 I cut slits for the lollipops with an exacto knife Added 3d paint (raspberry paint) for the bears noses I added white gel pen in the back for to: and from: ...and we stamped a Happy Valentines Day on the back of the card / treat. Added lollipops and wala a simple treat! For the boys we made ARGH (monsters) cut @ 3 3/4" with the mini monsters cartridge did the same thing with the lollipops Added heart stickers to the eye patch since my daughter did not want to make them girly but yet wanted them Valentinesy (I know that is not the word but you know what I mean...LOL) and wala 20 valentines done. Hope they enjoy these as much as we enjoyed making them.

A birthday card with some color

Hello again. This is my 2nd post for today. My nieces birthday is coming up and she is having a birthday party this weekend so I needed to make her a card. I have never tried painting on a layout or card this technique though and might use it again. Love how this turned out and hopefully you ladies will to and give it a try. Card Recipe: I used acrylic paints (pure orange, hotpink/rose, and lemon custard) painted the background added some white dots with a white marker Stamp - dragonfly which I colored in with my prisma markers (got these for a birthday gift from my MIL) Used 3d paint iridescent white mist (dotted 3 on the top of card) Added bakers twine, used my dies inside and added a vellum sticker with a birthday saying. Hope you enjoy. Very easy card to make and so much fun to use some paints.

Altered Mason Jar

Hello ladies. This is a mason jar I altered into a vase. I have so many of these mason jars sitting around I thought I would try to make something out of it. Love how it came out. I used some acrylic paint (Rink/ Rose) ...I painted the jar about 4 times in between let it dry, I then used sandpaper to give It an older feel by sanding some of the paint off, added some ribbon, beaded charm that I made out of fishing line and some beads I had in my stash I used a Peace Charm and key...then added flowers to the inside of the jar. You can use what ever you like I just had these laying around in my stash! I hope you enjoy. Very simple project so I encourage you to try and make a few of these. Working on another one but not quite done with it.