Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Hi everyone...wanted to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving....My dd, dh and I were suppose to go to my mils (Wanda) for thanksgiving but my dd got the h1n1 flu on Monday and I got it Tuesday after taking her to the doctors to find out what she had they confirmed it was the swine we have normal temps but we are still not feeling up to par this is why I have not been on here for a couple days...I hope no one gets this flu it hits harder and faster than the regular flu...temps run really was scary for a couple days with my daughter...but her doctor perscribed tamaflu...don't know if I spelled that right....we are both on it and it seems like it I would recommend this if you do get it..It cuts down the days and you fever...well enough about me..just wanted to let you know what is going on....and everyone be safe this holiday!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Relax/ birthday card!

Hello everyone...I made this card for my sister..her birthday is coming up in December ...I also did this for the mojo monday blog is the link or you can click on the title Relax and it will take you too it...

The card is made from scraps...blues, and light purple...never used this color together before but it works...and I love how this turned out...looks better in person..everything does, doesn't it?

Anyway...the only cricut I used on this was the accent that I doodled RELAX is from storybook cart cut @ 1 3/4" and layered about 3 times..

The stamp is from a friend on the cricut board...she sent me these awhile thank you...I colored the background with a light peach..showing up yellow...

I added sticker pearls...get at michaels...also plastic flowers by Making memories vintage for .34cents at Michaels....I added ribbon, and glitter glue to the bubbles and then added more pearls to look like bubbles..the water and bubbles were suppose to be blue but the glitter glue and the ink (which was dry) turned the bubbles puple...oh well...I still love it...

The inside says: The dishes will still be in the sink,

The laundry piled up high, but just remember it will all be there tomorrow! So take time for yourself and enjoy your day!

I'm thinking of putting a gift card for a massage and add some soft socks, some bath salts and I'm not sure what else...but along that theme..Thanks for looking.

Hello kitty vinyl with cardstock stickers!

Hello everyone...My dd who is 4 ,requested that I make her Hello Kitty stickers to put on her door of her since I have done tinkerbell like this before for her toybox..I thought why not!

What I did was cut the base of the hello kitty characters and accents(strawberry, present, butterfly and cherries) out of vinyl using the HK cart....

I got this vinyl at Lowe's for $1.00 last year...they are wall pops...I then cut the layers out of cardstock...glued them onto the vinyl with elmer's craftbond extra strength glue stick...goes on blue and then dries clear....this is what I used..don't know if anything else will stick to the vinyl...

I then added glitter to all of them...another request by my dd...she wanted them to sparkle...I let dry and put them on her huh? She just loves them...and when she gets tired of those..I will just tear down and start over..but better then buying the stickers in the store..her grammy came over today and saw them...she loved them too..and my dd could not wait to show them off..Well thanks for listening to rambling and thanks for stopping by...leave some love.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Penny's challenges # 15 / Happy Holidays!

Hello everyone on this terrific Tuesday...yep, I did another challenge....I have been on a roll....I had this in mind the other night but never got to it...and since this is due by Wednesday..I thought I better get it done.

Since it will be christmas sooner than we want to realize, I wanted to make a cute christmas card...I used JOTS for the ornaments cut @ 4" , shadowed in white...I did the theme with silver and gold...always loved them together...

The cute little angel, santa, and elf are stamps found them in $1.00 section at micheals...I just had to have these...well tell you the truth...I used my dd angel stamp..she let me borrow it..every time we go to michaels I let her pick out some stamps...she loves back to the stamps...these are Recollections stamps.

I colored with my colored pencils and blended the colors with mineral spirits...I added shiny 3d glitter paint and some clear embossing powder to the angel...I also added some gold 3d paint to the halo.....then for the santa, I added 3d glitter paint to beard and hat...for the elf, I added some shiny paint...added pearls, ribbon and wala a card...this one was so easy..thank you to Penny for making up this challenge...I had fun doing this.

Monday, November 16, 2009

2nd post...scroll down...Family/SOUS challenge

Hello again....I made this layout on the crop and had this in mind for the sous is the sketch I used.....

I used LAB for the lighthouse cut @5", the birds cut @ 1 3/4", I pop dotted them...

The flowers up the side...reminded me of coral which I cut this out with SB and ds to stretch it.... in 2 different colors...I cut tag (tucked away behind pic) with george cart and added raffia....I added brads, ribbon, used ms border punch..some burlap, and the title was done with SB (storybook)....I think that is all...I did not add pic since my printer ink is out right now..but wanted to post before friday...Thanks for looking and all the inspiration.

Favorite Passtime!

Hello everyone...I have not been on here for a couple days ...I been pretty busy and this weekend I went to a friends house and had a crop I only stayed for 7 hours and got a couple layouts done...well this is not one of them..but I finished this last I thought I would post today...maybe later or tomorrow I will post the others...This is of my dd playing on her tire swing in our backyard...she loves it...any chance she gets she will want my dh or me to push the layout..

I used dcwv blossoms and butterflies cardstock....I've been loving this paper lately...did not use it for a long while...

I used Tinkerbell and friends for the tree which I stretched to fit page in design studio....I cut part of it to fit on page..

I also used T&F for silvermist....great idea to add this from Wanda my mil....I always forget that I can add a character to a fun thanks again....

I think she was cut @ 4 3/4"...not sure about sizes as I forgot to write it down....oops...

I used SB for the title...favorite ..and the frame behind passtime...I think this was cut @ 2" ...passtime cut @ 1 3/4"...

used George for circle siloquette...used faux stitching....don't have sewing made my own and then zigzagged in white gel pen...

I also added ribbon...I think that is all...Thanks for all who inspire me!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Precious Memories (SOUS Challenge)

Hello everyone on this super saturday....I did another sketch at SOUS...I just love this challenges, so inspiring...when I saw this I thought this would be a cute layout with my dd on her 1st day of preschool..she was so precious with her new clothes, lunch box, and her new bookbag...she is only 4 but I just love these memories of her...come check out the blog at ....

I used George for the circle behind all the flowers (can't really see it but it is there...cut @ 7 1/4"...

The swirls are from Home Decor cut @ 3" and (1 swirl) from GS cart cut at 2"

I used WIMG for the flowers (daisies) cut once at 3 1/2", 3 1/4" and 3" (hot pink and light pink) layered them all..used sandy's technique...where you score each petal and then curl them with a pencil or your finger..I used my finger...pop dotted some of them and then used glue dots for the rest which gave a 3d this...Thanks to sandy for the inspiration and technique...keep them coming...always love to learn...

then I cut flowers again this time twice at 3", 2 3/4", and 2 1/2"... also in hot pink and light pink with brads that have sayings "Flowers" and "Happy"....

I used WIMG for the smaller flowers (blue and white) cut twice at 2 1/2", 2 3/4", 2 1/4" and then added a jeweled brad...

I used GS cart for the journaling tag...image10 = icon and blackout icon cut @ 3"

also used gs cart for the title PRECIOUS cut @ 2" doodled on it.

then Memories (jumbled) cut @ 1 1/4" and cut a piece of pink paper around it to make it stand out , doodled.

Used Home Decor for the butterflies cut @ 1 1/4", doodled on them, and also pop dotted to give 3d look...I used fiskars border punch for the 2 1/2" patterned paper on the side...I think that is all...Thanks again for this challenge...and Becky I just love what you come up with!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Another Over the top blog award....

Hi to all who visit and become a follower....I received another over the top blog award today from a great lady named Jane..over at am supposed to answer these questions...and also pass this award onto 5 others that have not received make sure you scroll all the way down to find out who they are...

1. Where is your cell phone? purse

2. Your hair? in a pony tail

3. Your mother? sweet

4. Your father? terrific

5. Your favourite food? pizza

6. Your dream last night? don't remember

7. Your favourite drink? Pepsi

8. Your dream/goal? to still be a stay at home mom, but with pay!!!!!

9. What room are you in? scrapping room

10. Your hobby? DUH!!!! - Scrapbooking

11. Your fear? snakes

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? here

13. Where were you last night? home with my daughter

14. Something that you aren't? skinny...hehe

15. Muffins? chocolate chip

16. Wish list item? Gypsy

17. Where did you grow up? Pennsylvania

18. Last thing you did? ate a pretzel

19. What are you wearing? Jammies

20. Your TV? on...daughter is watching it!

21. Your pets? 2 beagels

22. Friends? my mom, sister, Jodi, Emily, Kim, and to many to mention

23. Your life? Content

24. Your mood? Happy

25. Missing someone? brother (passed away 2 years ago)

26. Vehicle? Van and car

27. Something you're not wearing? socks

28. Your favourite store? Michaels

29. Your favourite colour? blue

30. When was the last time you laughed? today

31. Last time you cried? 2 days ago...watching a movie.

32. Your best friend? My mom

33. One place that I go over and over? my sisters

34. Facebook? No

35. Favourite place to eat? Red Lobster anything seafood

Here are 5 others that might or might not have this award yet and I feel they are worthy of it....






Thank you to all that inspire me and thanks again to Jane...for this fabulous award..

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge

Hi to all that come to visit...and to my followers....I saw this site had a challenge and I have been having fun with the challenges so I thought what the heck...the challenge is to make something christmas but include glitter or shiny and I had fun with this one...Here is the website or you can click on my title Penny's paper-crafting challenge and it will take you to the site....

I used design studio to create this....and lay it out...

Christmas/ Noel for the santa cut @ 2 3/8" which I cut about 4 times ....layered, and doodled his face, clothes and hat...

I also did the reindeer in a shiny brown color...(can't really see to well) and the sleigh in a red shiny, glittery paper...

I used JOTS for the house cut @ 2 3/8" also layered in glittery paper and added snow and glitter glue with embossing powder to the top of house and the snow on the bottom...

I used JOTS for the star cut @ 1 1/8" and glitter glued and added gold embossing powder and jewel..

JOTS for the snowman cut @ 1 3/8" all done in paper...the cricut actually did not tear any of the paper...I doodled the eyes and buttons...the rest is in paper..

I cuttlebugged background with swissdots and added ribbon...made 5 bows and added them also...3 layers of cardstock. I think that is all!

Monday, November 2, 2009

BBTB challenge - JOTS Penguin

Hi Everyone on this Terrific Tuesday! I have been having fun with these challenges so I am doing one more...probably won't be my last...but on the BBTB challenge .... were told to use the penguin from jots...Here is my take on the challenge...

I used the Tri-Fold card on JOTS cut @ 4 1/2" (used the fit to page)

I also used JOTS for the penguin cut @ 2" added some pearl stickers for the eyes..

I used Winter Woodlands for the cap cut @ 1 1/2" and pop dotted make it 3d

I also used WW for the BRRR cut @ 1"...I used my snowwriter and added some silver embossing powder and then used my heat gun to heat looks sparkly but can't tell on this pic....I also added some pearl stickers to the frame it is also on JOTS under the tri-fold card (in back of book)...

I also cuttlebugged the pink background with snowflake folder...and Last but not least I handcut the snow and then also used my snowwriter and silver embossing powder...Love how this turned out...Thanks for the inspiration BBTB.

mojo monday challenge!

HI everyone! Mojo monday is having a challenge using is the website to visit.... or just click on the title mojo monday challenge and it will take you to the site......this was so much fun...I have been having fun entering the challenges even if I don't win... I used inkadinkado snowflake stamps for the background which I also embossed with embossing powder..and heating gun...don't know if it is showing up really well...but I did. I also used the inkadinkado stamp set for the Warm Holiday Wishes which I also embossed with embossing powder (silver)....

I used Winter Woodland cricut cart for the trees cut @ 3 1/2" and the snowflake in white cut @ 1 1/2"....I used shiny white paper for at Michaels...I added some blue pearl ribbon, and I think that is all....TFL

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Pics of Halloween!

Hello Everyone! Here are some pics of my darling daughter...she was a witch she also wanted to be scary but not have her face I added ribbon and spiders to her hair..she loved the trantulas (don't know if I spelled that right)....and my nephew...the knight..with my niece ...wonderwoman....They all had so much fun except when my daughter fell and skinned her hand on someone's driveway.... after I told her not to run..but you know how that goes...thanks for looking.

Owl always love U!

Hello everyone! I wanted to join in on the fun of making this challenge for 3 different sites..This layout features all 3 of their challenges...This is a lo of my dd she is 4 years old and I just love everything about her...even her energy...she is full of that...wish I had that are the blogs to visit... = sketch = Owl = for the 3 ribbons

I used many different carts to create this...I used SS, SH, AE, GS, George, and WC carts....I do not remember most of the sizes of the cuts as I designed and stetched most of the embellies in ds....I cuttlebugged the owl, tree, accent on the journaling...I also cb the paper that the journaling is on, and the heart, which I also pop dotted...thanks for looking and for the inspiration.