Thursday, October 29, 2009

Over the Top - Blog Award!

Hello everyone! I was given this blog award by my mil Wanda...check her blog

1. Where is your cell phone? my purse

2. Your hair? pulled back

3. Your mother? fantastic

4. Your father? super

5. Your favorite food? pizza

6. Your dream last night? none

7. Your favorite drink? diet pepsi

8. Your dream/goal? To have more kids

9. What room are you in? craft

10. Your hobby? scrap booking

11. Your fear? dying

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? married with 2-3 kids..have 1 right now!

13. Where were you last night? home

14. Something that you aren't? skinny..hehe

15. Muffins? chocolate chip

16. Wish list item? to win the lottery...but be realistic...I guess I would say more cricut carts

17. Where did you grow up? Pennsylvania

18. Last thing you did? typed on my blog

19. What are you wearing? jeans

20. Your TV? off

21. Your Pets? 2 beagels

22. Friends? lots

23. Your life? happy

24. Your mood? okay

25. Missing Someone?brother

26. vehicle? Van

27. Something your not wearing? socks

28. Your favorite store? Michael's

29. Your favorite color? blue

30. When was the last time you laughed? yesterday

31. Last time you cried? 2 days ago

32. Your best friend? Mom and sister (can't choose between them)

33. One place that I go to over and over? Target

34. Facebook? myspace

35. Favorite place to eat? Red anything seafood

Now I will pass this on to some of my favorite blogs and people to visit...

Dawn =

Nanne =

Bev =

Sandy =

Donna =

I have alot of others that I could post this too...but could only do a few...Thanks for all that inspire me and all that stop by....thank you also to wanda for the blog award...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Hi to all who stops by....I made this layout of my dd. We went to Simmons Farm back on the 17th of Oct..she had so much fun , picking pumpkins, shopping, going through a corn maze....but most of all I had fun watching her...she is my pride and joy...and I thank god everyday for the blessings in my life..she is one of that is why this is called Blessing! I also entered this into a contest for on the title blessings and it will take you right to her blog...TFL

I used GS for image43-s cut @ 4" (behind pic)

GS = Image41-s cut @ 5 3/4" (also behind pic)

GS = file Tag (phrase) cut @ 3"...(has date journaled on it and doodled....

I also used GS for the flower...cut 2 @ 4", then 1 @ 3.5", then another one cut @ 3"...this was the icon blackout for the sunflower...also used sandy's tutorial to make this technique...come check it out on stuck on u sketches....

I used Sweethearts cart for Tag (bottom left of page) cut @ 3 1/4"...doodled, added a leaf brad.

I used PSB for the title Blessing cut @ 2 1/4" added jewel to the dot in the I.

I used WC cart for Autumn cut @ 7"

I used WC cart for the branch behind the flower.

WC for the leaves cut @ 2" and 2 1/4" , and then chalked them

I added some ribbon on the flower...scrunched it up and then added button...I used different chalks, added jewels and leaf brads and a piece of ribbon and inked almost inking...can't you tell!

Monday, October 26, 2009


Hello everyone! I wanted to make a lo for Halloween for my dd...she wants to be a witch...I don't have a pic yet of her in her costume..will post again later after Halloween...could not wait to show this how it turned out..used many carts for this one.

I used Pooh Font for the title "BEWITCHED" cut @ 1 3/4" and welded in my ds.

I used PDDU for the tombstones cut @ 6", doodled and added journaling too one of them, and a rubon cat to the other...also used ek success bat border punch and added the bats too it.

PDDU for the spiderweb cut @ 6 3/4" inked in black also , the witches broom cut @ 6 3/4" which I used raffia to make the bristles , tied a ribbon and added a trick or treat bag to it also used pddu cart to make cut @ 4 1/2" and then used gel pens to write the trick or treat on it.

DC - doodlecharms cart for the spider cut @ 2 3/4" added jewels for the eyes.

GS for the background ...blackout shift Imag01 cut @ 11" in a patterned paper and then at 10 3/4" in a black and then doodled...

I also used george for the circle cut @ 7 1/4" in purple patterned paper....dcwv fall (a couple years old) cardstock.

I tore paper, added ribbon, used ms border punch , inked almost everything...and wala a lo for my dd ..will post pic later...TFL

Friday, October 23, 2009

Just an update!

Hello everyone! NO layout or card today just and update...Most of you probably knew that I was having computer problems...well Monday my computer I had to get someone to come and work on it. One of my friends from my dd preschool told her friend that fixes computers how much I would have to pay to get it fixed $150.00 to $300.00 and he said he would fix it for he came tonight fixed it and I'm so thankful...just thought I would post this telling all my followers that I'm back! So thank you to all who email and who have been so patient with me getting back to you!

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Hi again! I was told by one of my followers that this layout looked like a SOUS sketch and was asked to enter it in their here is the website...

Below is all the details for this blog ...also if you click on the title memories it will take you right to the stuck on u sketches blog...thanks for looking and all that inspire me!

Hello everyone! I also finished this layout today and then went out fishing...did not catch anything but my dd, dh and I had fun....had a few nibbles...but it was too cold so we did not stay long...getting back to the layout...this layout is of my dd (4 years old) and my MIL(Mother in Law = Wanda), she is also on the cricut mb board and she also has a blog ...come check her out...I'm sure she will inspire you gals just like she does me!

I used George cart for the circle cut @ 6 3/4"

HD (homedecor) cart for the swirl cut @ 2 3/4" , the title "Memories" cut @ 1 1/4", the butterflies cut @ 2" and 1 3/4"

GS (Graphically speaking) for the tag (at the top) cut @ 3", and tied raffia too it.

I can't remember what cart I used for the flower but I added pearls to it....I also used ms scallop punch and branch punch...added brad, tore paper, inked everything, and added some raffia and lace...the tag at top is just some journaling!

Fall 07

Let me start by telling everyone about my day....My computer was freezing up, my security system was not working properly, then my camera program would not let me download pictures, then I could not even get online...but now I am able so here is a layout that I just finished today....I have not been doing layouts lately, I was into the cards...but this one came to me.

This layout is of my dd who at the time was 20 mths old...she is now 4...she always loves to jump in leaves....what kid doesn't!!!!! I even like to once in a while, and since it was cold today I thought what better time to do a fall layout.

I used George for the tag cut @ 5 3/4"

I Used SYI for the leafs, 2 of them cut @ 3" and 5 of them cut @ 2 1/4"

I used Mickey font for the title cut @ 1 3/4"...added some ribbon, doodled, and added a leaf brad, and some pattern paper which I cut at 5 1/2" X 5 1/2"...Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

You hold the key to my heart!

Hello everyone on Tuesday morning! I made this card for my dh for our will be 7 years of marriage on Nov 2nd, 2002...we have been together for 14 years since Nov 4th, 1995 (after I graduated)...and he is the love of my life..My cousin and his sister (were dating at the time) fixed us up...they set us up on a blind date only my husband got to see what I looked liked before we met...(cheater)..hehe..I did not know anything about him except he had a great personality, beautiful smile, and red hair..and did not like I guess I did know some..anyway, When they told me red hair and did not like sports...I usually don't date those guys..don't know why, I guess I was always into the athletes...but it all worked out and we are so in love..his hair now does not even look red..but he does love I hope he loves this card!

Sorry had a moment there....I used George for the siloquette circle cut @ 4 1/4" and then cut another circle in green.

Used Sweethearts cart for the heart cut @ 4"

The key cut @ 4 3/4"

The cartoche cut @ 2" , then handscribbled you hold the key to my heart (with gold gelpen) then I traced it with white gelpen to stand out...

I inked everything with my distressed ink (tea dye), used raffia, and burlap to give it an old feel Plus make it more manly...I did add a glitter heart to the key but also inked it...added buttons, tore paper, used cuttlebug swissdots, swirls, and circles to emboss it....inside I will put a poem...haven't found one I like yet...Thank you for stopping by!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Oct , Nov and December Calendars!

Hello everyone! Well I had these calendars finished the other day but have not been feeling I went to the doctors today and he thinks all my symptoms are leading up to a gallbadder infection...I have to go back later today for an ultrasound, I also had some blood work please pray it is not that...with everything going on I had to ask my sister to take my dd to preschool today...anyway, getting back to the calendars.

Someone (anonyomous) asked me if I was putting these on an easel or in a book...I am using an can take one off and then for that month put another one up..My mil Wanda's thank you!

Everyone has been asking me where I find the images of this clipart and calendars well here they are...the 1st one is the calendars..

For October, I used a halloween clipart (found it online), The only cricut is Jasmine for the corner cut @ 3 1/2"...I used k&Company spider scallop punch, ek success bat border punch, some ribbon, and wala another completed...

November = I used SYI cart for the firsh4 cut at 3 1/2"
I used AE for accent 49 cut @ 1 1/4", then inked it...
I used DCT for the corn cut @ 3" and the cornstalk cut @ 2 1/2"

added some ribbon, doodled on calendar (which I found the calendar online also), and added some jewels.

Now for December, I used Nesibilaties (which I staggered in red and then in white) and cb with swissdots, I added ribbon to it.

I used ms scallop punch, some vellum, doodled on calendar, used Jots for the ponisetta cut @ 2 1/2" and then pop here they are...if you missed some scroll down on blog..all of them are now posted...Thanks to all that inspire me and follow my blog.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Aug and Sept Calendar

Hi everyone, as you may already know I have been working on this calendar for my mom, so I finished 2 more....I have 3 more to go...woohoo! These are very fun and easy to make...I did however have a hard time with Aug calendar...was not sure what to put on it...but I think it turned out okay!

For Aug calendar I used Sweethearts cart...Cut cartoche at 3", I added ms fench border punch, flower punch, pearls, primas flowers, ms branch punch , and ms border punch for the side of calendar...hope you enjoy!

For sept calendar , I used SH cart also...for the tag cut @ 2 1/2"

SH cart for the corner cut @ 2 1/4"

Doodlecharms for basket cut @ 1 1/2"
DC for the Leaves cut @ 1"
DC for the apple cut @ 1" and then used paper accents to give make it shiny.

I then added some burlap, tore paper, inked and added some raffia and some leave buttons to the calendar....I found all the clipart and calendars online...I just googled them as vintage clipart or vintage postcards...THanks to all that inspire me!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

July Calendar

Another calendar page...this one was an easy one....I used george for the stars cut at 2 1/2" and then 2 1/4" and 2", I also used george for the tag cut @ 3 3/4", and the square cut @ 2 1/4"...inked everything in my tea dye..added some country stars , ribbon (inked) and a border from another cardstock page...all paper was dcwv summer stack (from a couple years ago, I think) Enjoy!

More of them to come...I have Aug - Dec to still hopefully I will finish this week and post...thanks for stopping by and remember comments and followers are welcome!

April , May , June calendars

Hi everyone, Here are some more calendar pages , still more to come!

April I used Sweet heart cart for the bouquet of flowers cut @ 2 1/2" , added some gold pearls too. I also used this cart for the umbrella cut @ 2 1/2" and also added some pearls as well.. added ribbon and lace...then used a border punch, cut corners of calendar with hole punch.

May I used GS for the frame on the pic cut @ 3" , also used GS for the circle cut @ 3" (in green under the pic), I used SH cart for the accent cut @ 2 1/2" behind the calendar, inked everything, added ribbon, primas flowers, ms branch punch, some brads, folder corners, added clipart (got online), and wala another one done.

June I used Nestabilities staggered about 3 times, used prima flowers, ms branch punch, rosebuds for middle of flowers, brad, tore paper and inked, added lace ribbon and clip cricut on this one!


Vintage Calendar/ Wanda and Sandy inspired!

Hi everyone! I have seen some cute calendars, and thought I would give them a try...I was inspired by Sandy and thank you!

This calendar is going to be a gift for my mother...I might also make another one for my sisters birthday...probably the same not sure yet....but my mom loves vintage, so I thought I would make her one. Here are my 1st 3 months...I will post some more later....and the next few days!

Jan calendar = used Sweethearts for accent (brown) cut at 2 1/4", used nestabilities for scallop oval, used ms punch for border, added flowers and used jasmine for corner cut in silver @ 3/4"

Feb calendar = tore paper , inked everything, cut corners (calendar) with hole punch, added raffia, and heart, and key charm which I tied with white thread,

I used SH for the heart cut @ 2 1/2", also stamp cut @ 1 3/4" (added heart charm too), I then added a lace heart to background...

March Calendar = I used PDDU for the border shamrocks cut @ 1 1/2", I cut one off and added it to the top of the calendar, I sprayed with krylon easy tack and used WE R memory keepers (foil, flock and glitter) but I only used the glitter for some bling....I also added some jewel brads to the center...I added ribbon

the frame is cut @ 2 3/4" and layered on top of the picture...I used SH cart for this.

Underneath the pic is a frame also used Sweetheart cart cut @ 3 1/4"...

all the calendars and pictures are clipart...just went online to find them...TFL and for all that inspire me!